Totally agree. I’ve just finished watching her interview with Trevor Noah which prompted me to visit your site, as I knew you would have written an article on Omarosa/Trump.
I couldn’t get over her ambitious needs to sell out her own people whilst working for Trump. But I hate to say, after watching the interview, there is a grudging reluctant ‘respect’ developing within me for the woman who, when Trevors asks if she is worried about her safety, she says:
‘..if you ever see me in a cage fighting with a bear, pray for the bear’.
I never watched the American series of The Apprentice, when it was shown in the UK but reading about her tactics and strategy in the newspapers led me to believe that she was, no nonsense and didn’t flounder under negative opinions. But for her not to be afraid of someone who occupies the seat of the most powerful office in the world, I’m keen to continue to watch her ‘page’.
Omarosa maybe a turncoat who simply thinks of herself, first. But she maybe the very person needed to really set the cat amongst the pigeons.