The question then is: can someone who has a Level 4 Diploma and is BACP 'registered' become a counsellor? I ask because I'm doing an MSc in Counselling (and I also have a Graduate Certificate in Counselling plus did an introductory course) I have just found and met with a therapist, and finding them suitable, I decided to go ahead to hire them. But although they are registered with the BACP they are not on the BACP website so I investigated and came across your site which more or less states, that with a Level 4 Diploma, they are a student (which might explain why they are not on the BACP site).
With my course, there are lots to do such as the practicals, the hours, undergoing the supervision and of course, getting deep into the theory, which you will know about having done the master's degree, So I am asking is it ok to continue with this therapist or look for someone who is soundly qualified. We have been told by lecturers that we are not qualified and therefore are not allowed to be counselling). One thing also that gave me something to think further into this is after listening to me talk about my course, the therapist said, almost with surprise, that "I knew a lot about the theory" which I thought was a strange thing for them to say.