Just have to say, a month ago, I was with two black men. One of them, let's call him James, is not getting on with his wife to the point of wanting to leave her. The second man, Richard, is married to a white woman. Listening to James’ problems, he manages to get support from Richard for as far as the both of them are concerned, black women are simply no good. To them, white women are better and knows how to treat a black man. No matter what I said in defence of my own sisters, they still came out with their crass generalisations.
What's even more disturbing, these men are educated with good jobs but they cannot even see the depth of their own inferiority complex and how much they are blinded by it. We women, have no choice but to forgive them as the chains of racism are still wrapped tightly around them plus society continues to make sure they remain emasculated.