Hi, this great stuff and really informational, as I never knew that these successful guys came from Tottenham. Black as well as born and bred in area, I’m a lot older than you and have lived in a variety of cities and countries. No matter where I am I can still ‘see’ in my mind’s eye, Tottenham High Road, Mount Pleasant Road, Summerhill Road etc.
I’m trying to write also but I’ve noticed over the years whilst writing, Ra‘Tottenham’ acts like an uninvited guest in my writing, in other words, no matter what I’m writing ‘it’ demands to be included in whatever I’m doing. It’s given me the experiences and challenges whilst I was growing up, now, it’s payback time! Weird uh!
Anyway, I’ve just come across your article. You will see that I’ve written a few things but it didn’t occur to me there would be anything on Tottenham here. So I hope to read more stuff from you, about the area but please, not about football!