A great article. I’ve just recently found out that my ‘purpose’ is not to work for people or to manage teams of people, I was never meant to be a banker or go out and be a marketer. But I am meant to ‘help’ people by using the Word. I don’t mean to be religious but use the English language and write. It’s not that I have not known this but I have pushed it aside because as far as I was concerned, being a writer does not make money plus, I did not think my writing was good enough. I was frustrated that the more I worked on it, the more it remained the way it was as if it was satisfied.
But no matter how often I keep tossing ‘writing’ aside, it still comes back to me in one shape or the other. So now, I’ve resigned to the fact that writing it is, and just hope I can derive an income from it. Your article clearly drums that in for me of accepting what I have to do.